Tag: generacion siete

Startup Chile Generation 7 Application Help

Startup Chile is opening the seventh round of applications today, March 11th. This application period will open March 25th and run until April 8th and the winners will be announced May 23rd. In the round six application process 1421 startups from more than 60 countries applied for the right to come to Chile for $20m Chilean pesos (US$42,000). Chile invited 100 of the 1421 companies who applied and they began to arrive over the past six weeks.

Startup Chile has become more competitive as the number of applications has grown. This round should have at least 1500 companies from all over the world vying for 100 spots. More than 500 companies have already gone through the program since the pilot round in 2010.

It’s a great program, especially for entrepreneurs who are bootstrapping or already have developed a product but need more time to figure out the correct business model for their business. It’s a perfect fit if you’re looking to target the South American market.

My company, Entrustet, was part of the pilot phase of Start-Up Chile and I’ve been in Chile since November 2010. I blogged extensively about my experiences in the program and in Chile, along with advice on how to get selected for Start-Up Chile. I tracked down the stats from the pilot round companies a year later, which was published on The Next Web. I also wrote Startup Chile 101, the book that will tell you everything you need to know about living, working and doing business in Chile.

Since the third round, I’ve helped startups review their applications and prepare them to get accepted into Startup Chile. Overall I’ve now reviewed, 18 applications for prospective Startup Chile teams and 12 have been accepted.

Round 3 – 6/9 66%
Round 4 – 3/4 75%
Round 5 – 3/6 50%
Round 6 – 3/6 50%
Overall: 15/25 60%

In rounds 5 & 6, 6.8% of applicants were accepted into the program and 5/10 (50%) of the applications I reviewed made it. Two companies had applied two times previously and were accepted after we worked together. Another team needed to completely redo their video and we worked together to make it happen. I thought 2 more of the teams that I worked with completely deserved to make it in, including one that I would have invested in myself.

I can help you craft an application that emphasizes the criteria that the judges are looking for, correct your grammar into perfect English and give you the tips you need to have the best chance at getting selected.

If you need help with your application, please contact me. Editing, writing, review, advice. I charge a small flat fee to review and edit your application, plus a larger success fee if you are selected for the program after I’ve helped you.

Want help? Got questions? Want a quote? Email me: nate at nathanlustig dot com or fill out my contact form.

Note: I WILL NOT write paid letters of recommendation.