Tag: gojek

Daniel Rodriguez, Picap: Creating value for Latin Americans by Modernizing Logistics, Ep 136

You can now find the full show notes of the Crossing Borders podcast on LatamList.com’s new podcast section. I’ll still post the audio of the podcast on my blog and I’m planning to start writing more again on my blog, like I used to.

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Thanks for listening to Crossing Borders all these years! If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to reach out here, or contact me on social media.

Outline of this episode:

  • [1:43] – About Picap
  • [5:28] – Raised in a family of entrepreneurs
  • [10:10] – Drawing inspiration from Gojek in Indonesia
  • [13:44] – Overcoming regulatory hurdles
  • [16:13] – Motorcycles as a solution to car congestion
  • [17:58] – The inner workings of Picap
  • [20:28] – Advice to Daniel’s younger self
  • [21:33] – Books, blogs, or podcast recommendations
  • [22:44] – What’s next for Daniel and Picap?

Show notes on Latamlist.com.