Tag: Federico Vega

Greatest Hits Episode: Federico Vega, Transforming Transport Logistics in Latin America, Ep 145

You can now find the full show notes of the Crossing Borders podcast on LatamList.com’s new podcast section. I’ll still post the audio of the podcast on my blog and I’m planning to start writing more again on my blog, like I used to.

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Thanks for listening to Crossing Borders all these years! If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to reach out here, or contact me on social media.

Outline of this episode

  • [1:24] – Federico’s background and current business – CargoX: Uber for trucks
  • [4:03] – How did a guy from a small town in Patagonia build this kind of business?
  • [8:12] – The response of family and friends when Federico decided to leave his cushy job
  • [11:07] – Running his startup from a toilet stall – breaking into his own
  • [14:39] – How Federico shut down his startup, regrouped, and started with a new USP
  • [15:51] – Starting over: raise funds or find clients?
  • [19:55] – The turning point that made the business take off
  • [23:57] – Advice to founders about raising money
  • [28:28] – Why silicon valley investors should consider Latin American companies
  • [30:14] – What would Federico tell himself if he could advise himself from the start
  • [34:58] – The next steps for CargoX

Show notes on Latamlist.com.

Ep 12 Federico Vega, Transforming Transport Logistics in Latin America

federico_vega_cargox - TRANSPORT L OGISTICS

Anytime you have an item that you need to send from here to there you enter the world of transport logistics. It may seem as simple as calling UPS or FedEx, but there’s a lot more that goes into it for the companies that provide the service, not to mention freight companies delivering all around the country. In Latin America, things get even more complicated.

In Brazil, for example, 40% the trucks that are on the road delivering packages and freight are not full. That’s a terrible use of the transport logistics resources that are available. When my guest today, Federico Vega, realized that, he saw an incredible opportunity to solve a problem and create a dynamic company. Through patience, perseverance, and iterations, Federico has built CargoX from the ground up – it’s the Uber for trucking in Brazil.
