Tag: virtu

Ep 13 Jason Grullón, Building a Successful Sustainable Clothing Brand in the Dominican Republic

jason grullon - sustainable clothing brand

The mindset of many entrepreneurs has transitioned from profit-first to responsibility first, and it’s a good thing. In a competitive space like the world of fashion, it may not seem that building a successful sustainable clothing brand is the best move – but Jason Grullón and the team at Virtu have made it happen.

In this conversation, I talk with Jason about how he transitioned from Law School into the world of fashion and how he created a company that is not only profitable but is producing quality clothing in a socially responsible way. (more…)

The Perfect Pullover: Empowering Bolivian Workers

If you’re looking for an off the beaten path gift this holiday season, check out these pullovers from the team at Virtu. Guillaume and Jason have been working out of our office in Santiago for the past few months while frequently traveling to Bolivia to get their project off the ground and launched a Kickstarter to get the first batch into production.

Not only are they making a great product, they’re also creating jobs that pay at least 30% more than average wages in Bolivia, a place that I’ve really enjoyed every time I’ve visited. I just backed them and can’t wait for my pullover!

Check out their video here, and then click through to Kickstarter to watch interviews with their Bolivian partners.
